Every now and then I receive an invite that makes my tummy churn and reminds me why this website exists.
I don't so much mind receiving hotel invites. If a couple can't be bothered, they can't be bothered. There's not much value to add to that.
But when an invite includes an insert that could've looked SO MUCH better, I wonder why they didn't try me! I sure hope the couple didn't pay someone for the design 'cos I could've done something much more elegant for the same cost or LESS.
Photostated ceremony programmes, flimsy disorganised sheets of paper containing transport/parking information... that's why I'm here. To eliminate all of that. If you can accept those things mentioned above, you will be happy with my work. It's a fallacy that nice wedding stationery means breaking the bank. You just have to find someone with a love for pretty stationery who can work within your budget constraints. Someone who cares more that the stationery looks presentable than about getting your $$$. Whose reward is that you trusted her with your stationery in the first place.
That's me. :)